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コレクション展「コレクション2 身体―――身体」/Collection2 Body―――Body

一般: ¥430
大学生: ¥130
【夜間割引料金】一般(金曜・土曜の17:00~20:00に限り有効): ¥250
【夜間割引料金】大学生(金曜・土曜の17:00~20:00に限り有効): ¥70

・このチケットで特別展「古代メキシコ -マヤ、アステカ、テオティワカン」はご覧いただけません

*We will send an "order confirmation email" after purchase. Please ensure you can receive emails from

・NOT Including the admission fee for “Ancient Mexico: Maya, Aztec, and Teotihuacan”.
・Visitors under 18 and those 65 and over will be admitted for free.(A student ID or proof of age is required.)
・Disabled persons (along with one assistant) will be admitted for free upon presenting the Disabled Person’s Booklet or an equivalent form of government-issued ID.
・Free admission days: February 10, March 2, April 6, May 4.